They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem

Yeah, I skipped that and went straight to a solution. 🫡


Oh, my. I made the same mistake. Lots of open real estate to fill.


You're going to need a bigger boat. 😉


Oh, my. I made the same mistake. Lots of open real estate to fill.

Me, too. 👀


"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"!


Oh, my. I made the same mistake. Lots of open real estate to fill.

Casios are basically Pokemon so I figured I’d make room.


Those Case Club cases are great. Fill’er up.


I live in a small house, there’s no way to hide that from my family. Can you suggest a more stealth approach 🤣😂


I live in a small house, there’s no way to hide that from my family. Can you suggest a more stealth approach 🤣😂

How about hiding it under the bed, in the garage or in a spare room? 😁


How about hiding it under the bed, in the garage or in a spare room? 😁

Under the bed lives my comic books and watch boxes, the garage is small and can’t even park a car in there, and what spare room 🤣😂