My First Automatic Watch

Seiko SNK805, my first automatic. For many, this is the gateway to watch collecting hobby. Including me...


It’s a good one to start with!

Or to get as a 20th watch!


It's a great watch! I just added an SNK back into my collection recently. I gave my SNK809 to my grandson as his first mechanical watch a few years ago and have been missing it ever since.

The snk 80 series is dope as heck. I had one I found I wasn’t wearing enough so I passed it onto a buddy. he seems to wear it every here and there. which makes me happy.


Gateway watch for sure!


Congrats on the first automatic! A watch loved by many for sure - hope it brings you joy for a long, long time!


Great watch to have chosen, she will serve you well. Very versatile across all sorts of different straps as well!


Mo dipakein nato, kulit masoook, dipake outdoor atau ngantor juga masih ok..... Nice choice. Pernah punya tapi ga tau kemana sekarang


First Automatic watch should be my Seiko Presage Cocktail! Life pre 2017 was only Quartz options.
