I like a little switch up during the day. Got a brown tropic for this bad boy :)

That is absolute fire


SuperOcean Chronometer, must super accurate


SuperOcean Chronometer, must super accurate

It's not bad Nawir ~+2/day 😀


Wow ! Never seen that before ! Beautiful !


Sexy 🔥!!


Beautiful watch and pairing


Beautiful watch and pairing

Thank you Fred, you are a man of fine taste 👌🏻


Wonderful piece


That's strap looks incredible with the watch! Well done 👊


Wonderful piece

Cheers James my friend!

Great strap choice, it pairs really nicely with the gold. Or is it bronze?


Great strap choice, it pairs really nicely with the gold. Or is it bronze?

Thanks Ritchie, it's the only gold I have in my collection apart from I guess hands on the crown watches.👌