New watch = need a new watch box

This beautiful IWC Mark XX has just joined the collection. I know some might think it’s a bit of a “plain Jane”. But, for me, this little gem holds a very special place in my collection, both for its understated good looks and the (even stealthier) meaning it embodies for me and my family.

In May this year I was diagnosed with throat cancer. What followed was months of scary sounding treatments, painful, slow recovery, and torturous uncertainty.

But earlier this week I got the call: “Mr B, you’re cancer free”! As milestone moments go, it’s only equalled by my wife saying “I will” and the midwife shouting “it’s a girl”!

So today, with my wife leading the charge, we headed to my local AD to mark a very special moment with a very special purchase.

This watch embodies a profoundly simple joy: the ability to spend time with the people I love. Its uncomplicated simplicity seems rather fitting.

So now, thanks to the marvel of medical science, luck, and a very generous wife (yes, she insisted on buying the watch as a gift) I am faced with just one problem: I have too many watches, so need a new watch box!!! This is the sort of problem I like to have.


Great story my friend!


In this case I guess that’s the watch that doesn’t need a spot in a box!… 🤛🏻


That is indeed a much better problem to have! Congrats on your recovery. And very nice watch to celebrate 👍🏻 Wear it in continued good health!


Hey congrats on wrapping up such a long road to recovery - and what an amazing way to celebrate a milestone! It’s a great watch - enjoy it 👌


Lovely watch even better news.