Oh my gord I'm in love

what a cool concept

I'm a fan of the the non chrono octo's but never a lover

this though

too bad only 200 to be had and I'll never see one 



It is such a cool watch and concept. While I have not had one on my wrist, for others I know with the same size it wears too large. One day I will have the pleasure to try one on. 


There is a Bulgari boutique not too terribly far from me, if I get the chance to try on an octo I will definitely get pictures for WC


I wanted to love the octo line, but the sizing and fit just feels too weird for my 16.5cm wrist.


I am very conservative in my watch's some would say boring. I tend towards a round cased pilot/field style tool watch asthetic ( though secretly I rather like those square cased Bell&Ross's ) but this is really good.

Love the Architectural layered vibe and I even like the integration if the bracelet. What's wrong with me! 😆


I imagine someone at bulgari came across the development sketches for the octo and thought "why not just have this?"

Why not indeed