How do you pronounce “Milanese”?

There is no doubt Milanese bracelets are popular, but how do you pronounce Milanese?? It’s probably regional, but I’m curious as to what people say out loud. If yours is not on the list, put it in the comments!
101 votes ·

Jajajajaja in spanish Mi-la-ne-sa =Milanesa for Milan In fact Milanese is also a dish 🤣🤣🤣


I voted “B” because I’m an uncultured savage that doesn’t know how it’s pronounced.


“Meh-sh”. Glad I could help.

Best of luck with “tourbillon.” Since I can’t pronounce it, I don’t buy those kinds of movements.


A for me. Just how I’ve afraid said it.


If it's a bracelet, in German it's usually written "Milanaise" like in French and pronounced with a silent "e" (option B). If it's food, e.g. risotto with saffron, it's "Milanese" like in Italian and pronounced accordingly (option C).


“Meh-sh”. Glad I could help.

Best of luck with “tourbillon.” Since I can’t pronounce it, I don’t buy those kinds of movements.



Well given than the word is Italian. /mɪ.lɑː.neɪ̯.zeɪ/