Gold pocket watch found on body of Titanic's richest passenger is up for auction


Is there... uh... water damage?


Is there... uh... water damage?

Somebody didn't read the article!

"The watch itself was completely restored after being returned to Colonel Astor's family and worn by his son making it a unique part of the Titanic story and one of the most important pieces of horological history relating to the most famous ship in the world," the auction house said.


Somebody didn't read the article!

"The watch itself was completely restored after being returned to Colonel Astor's family and worn by his son making it a unique part of the Titanic story and one of the most important pieces of horological history relating to the most famous ship in the world," the auction house said.

You are correct! I took the coward's route of a cheap joke. It has served me well.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I had no idea that Astor’s watch had been recovered. Amazing! 🎉


F that guy. Jack would have survived if not for him!


Oh yeah I just read that article. It made me think of how rich the Astors were and how sad they’d have to auction off such a piece. Maybe I missed something. Very cool either way


Oh yeah I just read that article. It made me think of how rich the Astors were and how sad they’d have to auction off such a piece. Maybe I missed something. Very cool either way

There’s a CNN article about the watch that mentions the watch was eventually given away by Astor’s son as a Christening gift. It was the recipient’s family that sold the watch…

“After the recovery of Astor’s body, those possessions were sent to his son, Vincent Astor, who completely restored the watch so that it worked. In 1935, Vincent gave the watch as a christening gift to the infant son of William Dobbyn IV, John Jacob Astor’s executive secretary, according to the auction house.

Aldridge told CNN that the Dobbyn family kept the watch until the late 1990s, when it went to auction.

An unnamed collector in the United States bought the watch at this auction and is the current seller. Since then, it has been displayed in several museums.”