The Perfect Lap

Honeymoon phase hasn’t worn off yet with this quirky girl. Proof that pure enjoyment doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. 🏎💨

There’s a point at 7000 RPM… where everything fades. The machine becomes weightless. Just disappears. And all that’s left is a body moving through space and time. 7000 RPM. That’s where you meet it. You feel it coming. It creeps up on you, close to your ear and asks you a question. The only question that matters - Who are you?

x100v 📸



so unique and a conversation starter, jealous right now


That is a really nice looking watch. So simple in design but yet so much going on with it’s playful colors on the hands.


That is a really nice looking watch. So simple in design but yet so much going on with it’s playful colors on the hands.

Thanks man! Would have never heard of them if not for WC. It’s definitely a watch with a lot of fun character and some fairly unique design choices. 🍻


It doesn't need to cost an arn and a leg. It has to cost a lot of money 🤣


Beautiful watch, legendary car, and not a bad movie either. Now I need to go watch it again.


Wow 🤩 this is beautiful, and it has a date function. ✅


Awesome watch, awesome pictures, awesome movie 👌


never thought somebody would post a limawatch here lol, is the quality good? their design arent looks like any other watch