Teenager failed to take out the trash so guess I had to...


It gives us dads an excuse to use the sunlight to take our WRUW shots.


Teenagers, huh! No respect or commitment these days 😉


It gives us dads an excuse to use the sunlight to take our WRUW shots.

Trash truck comes early, so I had to take it out in the dark.


Teenagers, huh! No respect or commitment these days 😉

These days... Don't be throwing shade at me! 😉🤣


"Teenager failed to…." (fill in any word)


Well, got to be good at something Todd😂


Trash truck comes early, so I had to take it out in the dark.

In my neck of the woods we call them the Bin Men. Followed by "what colour bin is it this week", followed by a walk outside to see what bin everyone else has put out.


Kids... Can't live with em.... Can't sell em to the gypsy's


Kids... Can't live with em.... Can't sell em to the gypsy's

Gypsy's now send them back and request refunds thru Venmo. 😉🤣