6309-7040 Vintage?

Just acquired this 6309 dated April 1987. I love it but is it regarded as vintage or 'neo vintage'?   


beautiful 6309!

just one man's opinion: vintage = >50 years / new vintage = <50 years

I would be interested to hear other opinions


Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer was a top song in April of 1987.  So, yes that is vintage.  "Neo-vintage" is an oxymoron.


I have one of these from May 1986, I regard it as vintage & would say anything over 30 years old would qualify. To some though it's 40 years or more. Most people talking about Neo vintage seem to be referring to watches from the 1990s 


I concur 100%.  30 years old is my definition of vintage also.  At that age, a watch is starting to get on. Also agree on 1990s being the 'neo' label. I have a 7002-7001 from 1992 and it's certainly showing the wabi you would associate with vintage. It's all original which is rare given most have been modded to hell.  


About 30 years is right. Think of it in clothing terms. When someone's 50 years old, the clothes they wore as a 20 year old are vintage, right? I see the same in watches, pretty much.