Would you wear a rolex Yacht-Master homage on the subway? - Your thoughts

I'm debating whether it'd be safe to wear a Yacht-Master homage on the subway (Toronto) - I'm leaning towards "no".

83 votes ·

Why not?

Pay attention to your surroundings, don't go into unlit side tunnels?

Whats the point of having a watch, if you don't wear it.

PSA ABSOLUTELY not recommending to wear your gold Daytona to that new underground club at 0200, after you've already been partying.


If it's only a homage, what's the danger? Someone says, "Give me your watch..." so you give it to them. They either run off with it, or hand it back with a, "My apologies..." No biggie, in either scenario ;)


I would wear any watch in any city (and have) but that is me. Seriously, no one cares about your watch. Toronto is one of the safest cities on the planet. I would rock an arm full of Platinum Daytona’s like this dude and not even think twice about it in Toronto.

I am willing to bet if you leave that homage on the subway in Toronto, someone will not only return it, but apologize for doing so late, and offer you a little money to save up for the real thing.


Why not?

Pay attention to your surroundings, don't go into unlit side tunnels?

Whats the point of having a watch, if you don't wear it.

PSA ABSOLUTELY not recommending to wear your gold Daytona to that new underground club at 0200, after you've already been partying.

Personally experience I see 🤣


If it's only a homage, what's the danger? Someone says, "Give me your watch..." so you give it to them. They either run off with it, or hand it back with a, "My apologies..." No biggie, in either scenario ;)

True. I'm not so worried about losing the watch, rather the initation of the confrontation. I'd rather not elicit any unwanted attention in the first place. But good point!


I live in Los Angeles so I stay away from any homages from any hype brand or watch.


If it's only a homage, what's the danger? Someone says, "Give me your watch..." so you give it to them. They either run off with it, or hand it back with a, "My apologies..." No biggie, in either scenario ;)

Said thief would even give him some money to buy a non-homage watch


Wouldn't wear a homage, especially a Rolex...


I mean I would say yea of course but I’m always usually paying attention to what’s happening around me. And it also helps that I’m 6’4” and 230lbs. Now that mean nothing to someone with a weapon but still. You know the Toronto area better then us so if you don’t feel safe then don’t.


I think(hope) the poll was intended to be light hearted to elicit both serious and stupid responses. The truth is crime on our public transit system has not been predictable mostly committed by individuals who are unwell mentally, homeless or have given up living a normal existence. The guy or gal who might do you harm will not notice your homage watch but decide that you look too much like a mean hindergarten teacher or overly friendly childhood neighbour before attacking you. However I will offer friendly advice to avoid areas where the locals wear real Rolex watches etcetera or even Michelin rated eateries where servers might slip in extra seasonings into your broth when they spot a homage anything.


You could get a Yachtmaster II homage instead, a design that even thieves can't bear.


I'm in Toronto. I avoid TTC at all costs, you should worry more about some crazies stabbing you with a needle than about thieves after your watch. Lol


It's funny...because of how I dress and carry myself nobody thinks I'm actually wearing an expensive watch....


That's good, no one should move with fear. Me personally have been robbed at gun point couple of times so I move different. I just think that if I'm gonna get robbed, shot or stab it gotta be the real deal to make it be worth while. I don't think I can forgive myself for dying for a homage/clone.