The road ahead

It's only a matter of time.


All you need is a "significant other" to manage your money.


I hope those aren’t the choices…go straight! Go straight!


Gotta buy another watch


No way , there are lots of important things in life, and a watch it's not one of them.

It's just a meme. Don't worry. I'm financially stable. 🙂


I hope those aren’t the choices…go straight! Go straight!

That might be worse.


That might be worse.

Certainly not as much fun…




I just left my AD without making a purchase. It was much harder than it should have been. I wasn’t even there to shop, just drop off a watch for service. But I still tried on about a dozen watches.


Fortunately, I didn’t really get into this until an empty nester, with significantly lower expenses. That and I buy only inexpensive watches…


Right 100% crazy diseases




I was on the same path, but I have taken a conscious effort take stock of my collection and control how I approach new purchases. I tell myself now that I should only buy one new watch every 18 months and all my purchases should be cash only, no credit cards allowed. I find myself taking more enjoyment from what I have and have a clearer idea of what I really like and curb my impulses.

Financial stability can wait!