Keep or flip, Bamford G shock?

I'm not sure about this G shock. What do you think guys?


Burn with fire or dissolve in acid.


Negative display sucks in low light but they are trending. Since your asking you know the answer already. Big, bold, plastic and hard to see.


Absolute monstrosity.


DW-6900? If so you can't go wrong with it. The go to military watch for militaries around the world.

I got the GW version. It's on my top 5 g-shock list.


I'd keep it for now, there are still quite a few about at the moment but they will become harder to find and if anything like the first G Shock Bamford square will be worth a fair bit more.


I'd keep it for now, there are still quite a few about at the moment but they will become harder to find and if anything like the first G Shock Bamford square will be worth a fair bit more.

There is one selling for 5k on Ebay, crazy...


Indeed, you're into luxury brand prices.


I love it!.. If you don't want it.....


they are listed on stock x for 195 not sure how much your going to be able to flip that for. Mind as well just hold onto it


Burn with fire or dissolve in acid.

Both !!! Lol 😆