Anyone else hate tweezers?

I have 15 pairs of tweezers and they all shoot screws in every direction. One second i have one and the next i'm on the floor with a flashlight hunting. It's only a little over an inch wide but takes me hours to work on. Still fun to do anyway. Its new but i wanted to make sure the thing was lubed. 


N o problems for me.

I have a guy for that stuff.

I take the "hands off" approach.


What I recommend is getting a headlight of some sort, a light that attaches to your head, then doing all work shrouded under a blanket or sheet or something. Thus the screw will fall into a very constrained area. 

I think magnetizing screwdrivers is a nono, but it makes things so much easier.


I struggle with the spring bar tool so your a master watchmaker in comparison to me


Use a larger pair of tweezers.  That is the recommendation of a few masters to whom I listen.