A Nato Straps Comparison

It can be really hard to judge NATO straps from online photos, or even videos (which usually just compare a bunch of colors from just one brand or a fairly good brand against a really cheap AliExpress strap). So maybe some will find this a useful (though hardly exhaustive) comparison.

In the first photo, up top is a 20mm BluShark AlphaShark Bond. On the bottom is a 20mm StrapsCo Bond, and in the middle is a 22mm BluShark AlphaPremier Ultra Premium Bond.

Note that the top and bottom straps have some sheen in their grey, while the middle is more of a matte finish.

Of the three, the StrapsCo frayed at the holes and at the end:


Neither BluShark has frayed, but the AlphaPremier seems even less prone than the AlphaShark.

Other than that (though that's quite important and has turned me off StrapsCo natos) the StrapsCo and the BluShark AlphaShark both feel the same, and quite good.

But the BluShark AlphaPremier feels noticeably better - much smoother and more pleasant on the wrist.

That said, I kind of miss the silvery sheen of the grey on the AlphaShark.


THAT said, the AlphaPremier looks quite refined, even with a "cheap" Duro.


But I may get a 22mm AlphaShark just for the sheen (here it is with the 20mm one):


Hope someone finds this helpful.


Thanks, I never gave it too much thought but you pointed out some things I'll look for next time.🍻


The softer comfy ones fray and the hard ones wear like an over starched shirt.


Thanks for taking the time doing these strap reviews - they are helpful and informative.


Thanks for taking the time doing these strap reviews - they are helpful and informative.

Thanks. I try to put up info I wish I’d had before I bought things.

Reviews for my past self.