Suggestions for selling off G Shock collection

Hello watch community. I have about 12 to 15 G-SHOCK im selling off to consolidate my collection. Any suggestions ? Im not a flipper and not seeking to “profit” my goal is to consolidate and use funds towards my next mechanical watch. The attached picture is the entire collection, the mud master is staying along with my carbon square. Other than that, I’m open to parting way with the rest as they don’t get the wrist time they deserve. Thanks for the guidance !


Watch-U-Seek.  If you are already familiar with the setup there then you are ahead of the curve.  If all else fails eBay, however, it's not my favorite option.


You could just sell directly to us


You could just sell directly to us

I’m open to selling direct as well. If you have an eye on any of these let me know. All but 2 of these are in pristine condition as well with original boxes for almost all of these you see in pic 


eBay, watchUseek or watchcrunch. This applies to all sales online.

take a great pictures of the whole collection, then of them individually.

Put a reasonable price on them (60 to 75%% of lowest online cost, NOT RETAIL price)

Offer discounts of multiple purchases. 

Reasonable shipping costs or better yet, free.

Be prepared for low ballers, but don't be offended, make a counter offer.

If they don't start to sell immediately, you are asking to much.

After a week to 10 days, lower your prices 5-10%.  Do this regularly and they will all sell eventually.

Good luck.


@jimbianchi great 👍 advice man!!!!!