Help me pick a new watch’s nickname.

This might be silly to some, but I like to nickname all my watches. With my new promaster, I’ve got a couple in mind.

The first one is me being into anime and watching a lot of Gundam as a kid, naturally the name “Red comet”…Char’s Zaku

Next is being a big fan of Japan, for some reason the red makes me think “Bushido”

Lastly, I have some Italian heritage in my family and know these watches are beloved in Italy due to the use in the Italian Marina Militare military group, so the name “Maestro Rosso” is a cool option due to being a Red Promaster.

123 votes ·

"Bushido Rosso"


Gundam fan 🙋🏻‍♂️Red Comet gets the vote.


Blood red and deadly

Bloody hell yeah

Red-y for action

Marinara maestro


Nice watch. Wear it well.


The red devil


Mine is called the #RedDevil, but you should go for Red Comet. I was watching Gundam yesterday 😂


Not silly. Just not something normal people do. 😀

