No date? No big deal!

Calendar flex band. No date complication on watch…problem solved. Poor eyesight and OCD (from crooked calendar placement) problems commencing.


Bad enough having a small date window that I can't see. How the hell do I read that ??? 😂


Hacia décadas que no veía ese tipo de 🗓, aunque ahora sin 🔎 ni lo veo 😂 😂 😂


Pull out that little calendar each day & cross off the days as they pass. 🤣 True commitment.


Back in the 70's we'd just slip these over the strap.


Classic, where's the matching pocket protector. 🫣


So… do ya just keep crossing off each day like a wall calendar?


Back in the 70's we'd just slip these over the strap.


I remember Dad having those on his watches in the’70s.


I remember these!!!


My eyes hurt


Back in the 70's we'd just slip these over the strap.


I had these!!! I totally forgot these calendars. Thanks for the memories. ☺️


Does this also come with an eye chart insert?


Never knew this was a feature on watches. Seems less than optimal - but a different time I guess, so my modern impressions are really invalid.