Favorite Watch books?

My weekend reading. Recent purchase.

What are your favorite watch books?


It’s gonna be very cliché, but a man and his watch is probably one of my favorites. I also peeped the Tissot! I got mine on today as well 💪🏾 have a happy Friday and a lovely weekend and read my friend


I have this book too, it's great.


Mine arrived yesterday, it's a lovely book! Probably going to have to read it 3 times before all that technical knowledge sinks in!


Not in front of my book collection to fully answer this but one memorable title that deserves mention is: Modern Watches the modern collectors guide.


I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I picked that one up in 2018 when I started collecting, and it's the best watch related book I've come across.


It’s gonna be very cliché, but a man and his watch is probably one of my favorites. I also peeped the Tissot! I got mine on today as well 💪🏾 have a happy Friday and a lovely weekend and read my friend

A good weekend to you too 🍻


I read this and enjoyed it very much. The photography is phenomenal. I'm currently reading Rebecca Struthers Hands of Time, which is very interesting so far.


Wow, it looks splendid!