Longmen Shiku commemorative from Luoyang Watch Factory

Mudan 牡丹 (Peony) brand

Luoyang Watch Factory 洛阳手表厂

The dial represents Longmen Shiku, a Buddhist site in Luoyang I've mentioned here, before.


This watch was how Longmen Shiku got on my bucket list.

Curious about the dial image, I saw a photo of the place, something like the one below and, well... two years or so later... (2013) I checked it off the list ✔

If you haven't seen, this is what Longmen Shiku looks like from across the river (much better than any photo I ever took of the place, so photo borrowed, with gratitude, from here) ...


One of the flood Buddha statues, right? If I remember the area are prone to big floods so the people carved these for intercession.


Yes, the area does have heavy floods, so what you're saying makes sense.




"Waltham, circa 1900, 0 size hunter, 14k with peacock on case, $895-$1,195."