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3 months ago
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Q: How did you get into watch collecting?

After seeing a Rolex Submariner Bluesy 116613LB on display I've understood why people would spend a lot on a timepiece. After that encounter I've started researching on the topic and ended up where I am right now.

Q: What was the first watch you ever owned?

My first ever watch was a Disney Winnie the Pooh light blue digital watch when I was around 4 years old but my first more analog watch was a 34mm blue Swatch that I still wear to this day after more than 20 years.

Q: What is one piece of advice you have for someone just getting into watches?

Do your research before buying your first watch because if you decide poorly, you might end up not appreciating what this world can offer.

Q: What is your grail watch and why?

My ultimate holy grail is the Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712 1A because I love how the dial looks despite absence of symmetry, which I tend to research when buying a watch. It gives many information while remaining very thin and elegant yet sporty.