OMG! Nico does say some outrageous things. But is he right?

I had this figured out in a couple of interactions, that is why I prefer buying mine from online boutique. If you don't treat your customers well GFYS.

Goto timestamp: 1:16:20 on the video.


Sorry copied the video with timestamp but it's playing from the beginning for some reason. Goto 1:16:20


Of course profiling happens in an AD. The salespeople make judgements as to whether you can afford their watches the second you walk in the door.


Every salesperson makes snap judgements about potential clients.

There is a reason it is a stereotype in media.


He's totally wrong when he says that young people want to wear watches, unless he means a very small minority of young people, or young means below retirement age.

On Rolex gatekeeping and running distribution like country club memberships, how is this at all debatable? It is more obvious than gravity. I don't even blame them. If you can choose your customers, you pick the repeat customers, the reputable brand ambassadors. I'm not letting any thug with a wad of cash or middlebrow social strainer with a a refinanced mortgage get my product. Seeing too many ghetto superstars and Michael Scott's wearing them sullies the brand image, which is their most valuable asset.