Anyone Else Been Thrown Off Of WUS?

The busiest watch forum by far is Watch You Seek, but I'm never quite sure why. It's full of rude watch snobs who talk down to people all the time, and you only have to spell a word wrong and it's enough to get a caution (that's an exaggeration). I originally got thrown off for discussing a fake watch, and I certainly wasn't promoting it. I have re-joined a few times, but it's always a matter of time before someone checks my IP address and throws me off again.

So who else has been thrown off?


I’ve never joined but I hear negative experiences from time to time. If it’s like other forums, real people have no place there.


The problem is not the forum, the problem is the people with their ego. Unfortunately, in any open community there is some of that, it is part of the balance.


D!ckheads are born everyday, so don’t take it personally


D!ckheads are born everyday, so don’t take it personally

Of course I won't, I'm a dickhead myself 😕


I'm active on WUS and thankfully not had any problems. I know what you mean in that it feels like there are some users who spend the day refreshing the threads and looking for any opportune moment to belittle people for any reason. You could say the sky is blue and they'll say "ACHKTUALLY IT'S NOT BLUE IDIOT YOU SHOULD READ A SCIENCE BOOK" 😂😂

But I've met loads of super nice folk on WUS too. The daily ###WRUW### thread is full of positive people with good vibes.


I haven't been thrown off and have never had any issues years later. I'll add that you've gotta have thick skin but you do in real life too. I don't find it a difficult place to coexist at all.


Use a VPN 😉


Use a VPN 😉

The problem there is that I have to pay for a VPN, and secondly there are many sites where it has to be turned off. I used to have one, and cancelled it


Don't be critical of a sponsored product at WUS. That's a sure fire way to get banned there.