Any french people around? (english people i need your opinion too)

I'm thinking about starting a channel about watches. The thing that is stopping me is that i'm french. So my question for you all is: would you listen to a channel with someone who speak english with an accent?

Also, if you're french, plz let me know in the comments (and maybe give a follow?), maybe i could do it in french after all...


I'd have absolutely no issue at all with an accent, as long as I could understand what you're saying, and you're providing engaging content. One of the most informative You Tube watch channels that I've ever stumbled upon is "Chrono Talk". The presenter is Portuguese, and speaks English with an accent, but his English videos are awesome. My only complaint with his channel is that there isn't enough content.

FWIW, as a unilingual person, I have lots of respect for people that can speak two or more languages.


I watch French and Italian speaking UT channels have no dea what is being said but watch for the watches. One thing just don't talk about the lastest French Rugby win over the All Blacks. 😃


I watch French and Italian speaking UT channels have no dea what is being said but watch for the watches. One thing just don't talk about the lastest French Rugby win over the All Blacks. 😃

I won't, i'm actually french canadian so don't worry i won't talk rugby :p


I love a good accent. 


I work with RNs and MDs from all over the world. Accents don't bother me in the least. 


My brother in law is Frenc, my cousin lives in Paris with her parisian husband, and I’ve had two French girlfriends. I’m more than ok with French accents and culture. 

maybe just consider  what your niche will be. Are there any other French watch channels that are worthwhile? If not, you might have a chance to grow faster 


It's all about the content. Accents don't matter. Good luck!
