Over 40 watches SOTC photo tips and tricks

Hey everyone. I'm trying to be more active in the watch community and would like to share my collection with you. I collect affordable watches and because they are affordable I have quite a few. Around 40 watches in total. I see that we can add up to 5 photos per post. I would like to show the entire collection on a single post. My camera skills aren't the best so does anyone have any tips for taking photos of multiple watches in one shot? Top 3 brands in my collection are Seiko, Timex, and Casio which make up about 25 or so out of the 40ish. I was thinking 1 shot for each of the top 3 brands and 1 shot for the rest with a 5th and final shot of my top 3 favorite and most worn. Let me know your thoughts and tips to help me show everyone how much fun it can be to collect affordable watches. I look forward to reading all the comments and preparing for the show. Thanks for reading all this.


40 pieces is a lot and you may want to consider showcasing them one at a time or in small similar groups.

Consider Giving each watch it's own time to shine. Why are they individually important to you?

Casios all in group or in groups of similar models could work well too.

Otherwise, if you do want to include them all in 1 shot, top down photos on an even flat surface or in a watch box do best.

Good luck & loom forward to what you share.


Take pictures of them in the boxes and winders. Too easy. 👌🏽


Very nice set up and love the pride. I am in the minority, but I would not post a SOTC, never mind one of that size. It is overwhelming and can bring some unwanted attention. I more a slow reveal person, but again, admittedly in the minority.