Vintage Glycine Vacuum

I'm not a fan of purchasing vintage watches. I would consider my metric for purchasing very simple: make sure the watch runs, buy from a reputable seller, and make sure you can return the watch if anything significant is out of place.

The unknowns are tend to make me more anxious over minor things because I wasn't there when it happened. I've purchased two vintage watches: a Caravelle 1976


and most recently, a Glycine Vacuum.


I'm a moth to the flame when it comes to sector dials and any Art Deco influences. The Glycine has both. While I know my collection is at capacity when it comes to new, modern watches, I feel my restraint slipping with vintage watches. The up side, I have a strong dislike for watches that aren't reasonable accurate and reliable. What role do vintage watches play in your collection and how do the two eras play with each other (new/modern; vintage/old school)?


started vintage due to budget and now have healthy appreciation for both vintage and modern and knowledge of history informs what to collect today. not a big deal to me if something made 70 years ago is off by 30 sec/day.


I have about 20 watches and half of them are vintage. Although the vintage list keeps growing.

My vintage collection only consists of Sea-Gull watches and its predecessors from the Tianjin Watch Factory because I am fascinated with its history.

I have no concerns with accuracy since they are all keeping good time. The oldest one is from the late 50s.


The have had the "Vacuum" in my sights for a while. Yours looks great.


I love vintage watches but it can be very dodgy. Those are all very good steps to ensure you don't end up with a nice paperweight. Great watches btw Brother! Love the vintage aesthetic of the photo as well. The old bible and the old style text on the cream colored paper and then the dial makes it a very artistic shot!


I got into the rabbit hole of vintage a couple of years ago. After my first purchase I was a little captivated by the unknown history of the little timepiece. I wonder who's wrist, what it's 'seen', has it been loved etc. I particularly enjoy vintage with a sub dial at 6 but that's far from necessary. I rarely pay more than £25 on ebay and like yourself take great care with seller history and feedback. Although Timex vintage don't do a sub dial at 6 to my knowledge that brand is the bulk of my collection which started with a 1964 birth year Mercury.

I haven't purchased a vintage in a while............ 💸💸



I love vintage watches but it can be very dodgy. Those are all very good steps to ensure you don't end up with a nice paperweight. Great watches btw Brother! Love the vintage aesthetic of the photo as well. The old bible and the old style text on the cream colored paper and then the dial makes it a very artistic shot!

I picked up another diffuser and another studio light is on the way.


I got into the rabbit hole of vintage a couple of years ago. After my first purchase I was a little captivated by the unknown history of the little timepiece. I wonder who's wrist, what it's 'seen', has it been loved etc. I particularly enjoy vintage with a sub dial at 6 but that's far from necessary. I rarely pay more than £25 on ebay and like yourself take great care with seller history and feedback. Although Timex vintage don't do a sub dial at 6 to my knowledge that brand is the bulk of my collection which started with a 1964 birth year Mercury.

I haven't purchased a vintage in a while............ 💸💸


Timex is a great brand for vintage. They designed some great watches. It seems like they’re getting back into that mode of great designs.


Yeah, I have a couple of Falcon Eye's, a couple of GMT's and four standard reissues. They are all great watches in my opinion.