Bought my Grail

Well, one of them lol. Delighted with my heritage 41 Black Bay and I'm looking forward to giving a review soon!


Oh man. Congrats! That strap looks great on it!


We’ll be looking for that review! Nice strap on there as well ;)


Congratulations, got mine a couple of years ago (sm300) , you'll know it's a true Grail because the infatuation just grows & grows...but saves you money in the long run because you won't buy as many watches in the future.

Nice one mate 😉👍🏻


Congrats! I love the distressed strap. I have the little brother and have been looking for a similar strap to replicate this look.


Wowcha🤝 congratulations!


Grail doesn't mean what it used to.


Grail doesn't mean what it used to.


Thanks guys, I'm well pleased 😀