Home from the Hospital

I've owned this C11 "pilot" watch for about a decade. When I recently replaced its original strap with the "rally" strap from Barton, it had become noticeably more difficult to wind though it still was quite accurate (+/- 5 seconds a day). So I figured it was finally time for a thorough service. 

Some might feel the $350 is too much to pay for service on a watch that was only about twice that amount to purchase.But it's packed with a lot of memories and its relative rarity makes it worth it to me. 


Hope both you and your beautiful watch will find yourselves well-serviced and good for a maintenance-free decade to come.


Nice watch and worth the repair costs. I just got back my grandmother's Timex manual wind with a broken Navajo silver braclet. Repair bill was 312 and took 4 months for the repair. I have a post on my page with photos.

So you did right in my book!

Enjoy that special watch!



You cannot put a price on sentimentality 


Nice watch and worth the repair costs. I just got back my grandmother's Timex manual wind with a broken Navajo silver braclet. Repair bill was 312 and took 4 months for the repair. I have a post on my page with photos.

So you did right in my book!

Enjoy that special watch!


Great story. Looks like we're near neighbors. Love the Peninsula. 


Great story. Looks like we're near neighbors. Love the Peninsula. 

Right on! Love this part of the country. Been here for 42 years.

The Hood Canal area is so beautiful.  

Maybe someday we can try a meet up for us watch enthusiasts here in the area.



You're probably familiar with  "The Tides" in Gig Harbor. Would enjoy meeting for a drink at your convenience. 


Haven't seen these older CW designs, cool watch and great to see how the brand has evolved.