While on a short walk with my son, through a pine tree forest. It's Field Watch Friday!

Nature is a beauty


Phenomenal photos! Especially the top one!


Sublime, Hakki. That first photo, is putting me in the mood for a hike 👍🏻


Sure love a #timex !


this pic just makes me say "hell yeahhh!"


Loving your Timey and the setting is perfect for a few 📸 Hakki!! Have a great day my friend.


@nawirby @TheWatchTimes @Yonder

@AaronK @pororo.watch @drcarter13 Thank you very much gents! Have a great Friday and weekend. 🍻


Happy green Friday, my friend!


Happy green Friday, my friend!

Thanks my friend. It's a green field Friday indeed!





Thanks, mate. Couldn't agree with you any better.