Like father like son (but hopefully not TOO much)

My boy got the Seiko 5 One Piece “Zoro” watch for Christmas and, for a kid who never understood why I wear a watch at all, he loves it. I even caught him snapping a wristie to send his friends. It’s been cool to see him wearing it every day and I kinda got a little warm n’ fuzzy when I woke up this morning to find his watch sitting on the table in our hotel room next to mine. I love that he can finally share a little bit of this passion with me…but let’s hope he’s healthy enough that he doesn’t start actually collecting.


Well David, a son always is influenced by his dad in so many small ways, as you will know. My dad passed just over a year ago and I know I take after his ways and quirks. All my friends and family often say "just like your dad" to me. So basically it's all your fault !😀Great watches.


Great first watch, and wear them in good health! 👌🏻


One Piece and that 62 are both 👌💯