A Simple Request

Fellow WatchCrunchers, I would like to start off by saying thank you for sharing your pictures, stories and knowledge with the rest of us, but ... could you please take a moment to look at your own watch when you're taking those glamour shots! The hour/minute/second hands are driving me crazy!!! How am I supposed to pilfer those dreams from you if you're hiding the pertinent details behind the watch hands, or worse, the dreaded lens flare and glare. I'm quickly growing my list of future treasures and grails, but you're not making it easy ( to be honest, I'm guilty as well... but I'm trying)! You are an amazing bunch! Keep posting pics of those amazing mechanical marvels, and I'll try to do the same!


Nice Benrus. (Just enough showing.)


Nice Benrus. (Just enough showing.)

Now you're just showing off 😂


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