How do you know when you’re ready to sell a watch?

The pictured watch is my Stowa Marine 40. It’s the first automatic watch I ever bought myself and I got it to celebrate an occasion. However, since that point in time, I’ve owned and tried on other watches and my tastes have changed. I’ve learned more about watch measurements, styles, and what works for me. I love the watch, and it will always hold a special place in my heart as being the first watch I bought myself, but I just hardly reach for it anymore. It feels like a shame to have it sitting there when I know that it’s just not really for me anymore, so I’m thinking of selling it. How do you usually know when you’re ready to move on from a watch? I typically keep and hold my watches so I’ve also never sold one before.


DO NOT sell your first automatic! Always remember where you started. Buy as many watches as you want but always keep your first.


Don't, it's beautiful. You WILL regret selling it!

Unless you want to sell it to me 😁


I gave my first mechanical watch to my godson. I think gifting it is the best way to go, you free up space in the watch box, make someone who you care about happy, maybe get someone into watches. Only con is, you get no money 🤑


When they are just sitting in the box and i am not wearing it..then it is time to move it on..JMO


You'll probably regret selling it, what about giving it to someone special? Like your spouse/child/other family member?


Based on how you say you feel about the watch you'll regret selling it.


I think the gifting suggestion is the best, especially if you give the watch to someone who will use it. Having it sit in a box just seems like a shame when it could be enjoying wrist time elsewhere.


If you need to ask you're not ready. Don't rush it, when it's time to go you'll feel nothing for it, feeling anxious is a pretty clear sign.


I've never sold a watch and as you say things change. In 10 years it might just be your favourite watch.


I’ve never sold a watch. Though I have given a few away.

I suspect you’ll regret selling it. If you still like it at all I’d suggest keeping it. Especially since it’s your first automatic. Not to mention, a beautiful watch.


Like some others have pointed out, if you're asking, you're probably not ready. Sleep on it, multiple times. Consider it's emotional value, and possibly consider gifting it to someone special and close who would wear it! That way it would still be in your life, just on another wrist 😊


I bought myself a dressy Seiko chronograph for my 40th on impulse and at the time it was only my 3rd watch. A few years later I'd expanded my collection and realised the Seiko was too big and had poor readability plus I'd gone right off chronos so I sold it to a very happy new recipient.... but I miss it 😢 and feel I should have tried harder.