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4 months ago
Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada
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Sex of Watch

I noticed recently that women wear "men's " watches for various reasons , one being they are better made and also just the look of a "men's" watch. My...

Why are there seem to be a lack of women collectors

I know there are some who post on youtube. Any ideas?

Vintage Wittnauer Watch

Hi. what do you think about this watch? Are they still in business?

Recent Comments

commented on Why are there seem to be a lack of women collectors ·

I was the culprit who started this discussion and what a way to show how different people are ! I have received rants, humor, inciteful musings (yours) from the men and one from a lady who was very kind and down to earth who just collects watches because she likes them (like me).

I was surprised that the women like to wear " men's" watches as well as "women's" watches. I am a senior and I find you have to be so careful about sexual stereo types nowadays or else you are called " sexist ". People seem to be so touchy about sexual issues. I say treat everyone with respect until they prove they don't deserve it.

commented on Why are there seem to be a lack of women collectors ·

I like your sense of humor. I was a little vague on my post I guess😀

commented on Why are there seem to be a lack of women collectors ·

I am a newbie about watch collecting but it is interesting what men obsess on

eg cars, trains, model planes, sport equipment etc. I notice the real interest for watches is the automatic ,chronograph and history of watches. I am amazed at some of the complicated watches that have been made and the time it takes to design and produce these watches. I'm glad that some watches are still being made buy hand.

commented on Why are there seem to be a lack of women collectors ·

I think you are a very wise man. I'm glad you found some women who post on WatchCrunch for me. I have not heard from them yet.

commented on Why are there seem to be a lack of women collectors ·

Hi, my question was a little vague, I meant women who posted on WatchCrunch. Also there are many women's watches that should be reviewed by women as they are usually have smaller wrists and are more fashion conscious and wear different sleeves.

Social media can cause a skewed view of women . I can see you have a low opinion of women but I find in " real life" women are not like that. However I am 70 years old now so the women I know now are older women. We hopefully all mature and become less egotistical as we age.

You might have more followers if you are more accepting and do not say things like " What a stupid question".

commented on Vintage Wittnauer Watch ·

Thanks for the information. I put a new battery in it and is working perfectly.

commented on One watch Vs many watches ·

Smart answer, it also allows you to compare the quality of these watches.