Studio Underd0g 02series Steffany Blue arrived

Just turned up in the post.

Smaller on the wrist than I expected but quite pleased.


They even included a little torch to illuminate the dial…. Unfortunately without a battery


Very nice indeed, white dial on order 👍


Very nice indeed, white dial on order 👍

I nearly went for the white dial but changed my mind last minute


Need a full review!! I had this in the cart at launch but decided to pass.


Congrats, it's a great looking watch. We need the all important Lume shot!


I really want their Watermelon chronograph lol.


Congrats, it's a great looking watch. We need the all important Lume shot!

If they’d shipped me a battery with the torch they sent me I’d have one already 😂


Need a full review!! I had this in the cart at launch but decided to pass.

I’d be a terrible reviewer. My iPhone can’t zoom enough to take good photos. I’ll leave it to Brit or Adrian to do a decent YouTube video


If you hadn't told me I would not have guessed that was the blue one, it looks white.


If you hadn't told me I would not have guessed that was the blue one, it looks white.

I’ll have to see it in proper day light (currently in a dimly lit pub) but the dial is a subtle blue. I think at first glance no one would say it’s a blue dial


If you hadn't told me I would not have guessed that was the blue one, it looks white.

For context, this is it on a white beer mat


Very nice and congratulations


For context, this is it on a white beer mat


I can see it now, it is a lot more subtle than the press shots would suggest.