New #wruw

I’m really glad everyone is loving my watches. I’m receiving a lot of love, more than ever!

I want to take this time to thank everyone!

Since the new software update under the wruw comment area we see ❤️ emoji button and I am assuming everyone is smashing it.

It has become an exercise to award different emojis, this is starting to really show as I’ve never seen so many ❤️ come my way.

I sure hope they fix it soon.

Am I alone in this way of thinking?

Who here ❤️ it?

Allow me to leave you with another ❤️



I have been told that some adjustments are coming. I am a complainer I guess.


Sit tight.. some cool things on the way ❤


I have been told that some adjustments are coming. I am a complainer I guess.

Do you always get your way?

Thanks for the update!🤝


Sit tight.. some cool things on the way ❤

Thank you🤝