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Cleaning up bruised plastic crystal

So I was gifted this el-cheapo no-name quarts, that I quite like. The (plastic/acrylic?) crystal has some "spots" on it. It's not clear from the photo...

Recent Comments

commented on Casio GBD-200 ·

Yeah, went another route and just disabled all messages (in the move app, if i recall correctly). 

I have it in flight mode, but would prefer to disable bluetooth (similar but seems cleaner), how do you do that?

commented on Casio GBD-200 ·

Thanks! I also got one, had a few runs with it and it seems, as you say, pretty accurate.

commented on Casio GBD-200 ·

Thanks! Would love to hear your experiences with it in regards to phone-less tracking when running, if you find the time! Thanks!

commented on Casio GBD-200 ·

Cool watch! Do you use your for running (no phone), and if so, how accurate do you find it?

commented on What watch do you wear to work? ·

Ok thanks! Looks great!

commented on What watch do you wear to work? ·

Is that the grey/blue Seiko 5 (srpg31)? I'm planning on this as my next watch, but a bit worried it's too blue. How do you find the color? It looks super, super nice (and super grey) in the photo!!!

commented on The Apple Watch isn't a watch. ·

I don't have an apple watch, but i have a Sony smartwatch 3. I bought if for running, and it was great. Untill my phone died and I had to buy a new one. Everything smart about the watch is not working anymore, no running app, no music, basically its now just a watch that can tell you you received a text and needs to be charged every night. 

Its sitting in a drawer and I'm pretty sure I will never wear it again. I'm 100% sure I will never buy a smart watch again. 

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First automatic, Seiko 5 grey or black

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