Butterfly clasp bracelet adjustment

Hi everyone! I bought a Mido TV Date with a butterfly clasp bracelet, but it's annoying how terrible the fit is on my wrist. It fits in such a way that it's about half a link too loose, and when I remove a link it's half a link too tight. It's my first watch with this type of bracelet and it's doooo annoying. Anybody ever experience the same? Any tips aside from gaining weight on my slender wrist? ๐Ÿ˜


The flap of a butterfly clasp in Switzerland causes a hurricane of annoyance in my heartโ€ฆ

I donโ€™t think youโ€™re alone here. Lack of micro adjust is that braceletโ€™s Achilles heel. May consider aftermarket bracelet or just going with a nice strap.

Great watch btw. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป


Such is life with a butterfly clasp I'm afraid. It's worth it if the watch puts a smile on your face imo.


Such is life with a butterfly clasp I'm afraid. It's worth it if the watch puts a smile on your face imo.

Yeah honestly it's tolerable when my hand is in resting position/closed. It's when I open my hand when it starts to tighten. I'll have to live with it


I have one and I'm fortunate that it's a decent fit. But given the choice I'd have picked a different design.


I donโ€™t buy watches with butterfly clasps anymore.


IMO butterfly clasps look good but are poor in execution. No micro adjust makes then a big no no for me.

All manufacturers should provide on the fly micro adjustment clasps these days.


I would get one on the rubber strap actually as I think they are a cool watch :)