It's come full Circle...

Not much to share here, just a cool pic.

My Grandpa's Bulova that was given to me after he passed, next to my most recent purchase, the Bulova Lunar Pilot.


Just the look of those numerals!! 🤩🤩


I had to look it up because not knowing was driving me crazy: 1948 His Excellency JJ. Nice watch.


I had to look it up because not knowing was driving me crazy: 1948 His Excellency JJ. Nice watch.

How were you able to find the year?! That's the one piece of info I've never been able to pinpoint. All I knew was it was pre 1950.


How were you able to find the year?! That's the one piece of info I've never been able to pinpoint. All I knew was it was pre 1950.

Search for Bulova model

Select decade (guessed 1940's)

Select for gender (cuts out about 600 Ladies' watches)

That leaves about 1200 models to scroll through. However, most Bulova in the 1940's were rectangular, so I could skip those.

I do this every time I see a vintage Bulova. I have to know exactly what it is. I wish that I knew other brands as well, but there isn't such a great resource.