Any advice on finding a watchmaker?

How do I go about finding a watch maker? I have a few vintage watches that need a bit of tlc and eventually I will need some servicing of other watches. 

Beyond Google searching near me and looking at reviews is are there any things I should be looking for, or any other ways of finding one? 

I'm in the Midlands UK if anyone can recommend one. 


The British Horological Institute keep a list of repairers on their website, it's as good a place to start as any 😉

May also depend on what exactly you need looked at? some watchmakers specialize in particular watches. 


The British Horological Institute keep a list of repairers on their website, it's as good a place to start as any 😉

May also depend on what exactly you need looked at? some watchmakers specialize in particular watches. 

Thanks, that is probably a good place to start. 👍


Yeah, unfortunately most of the competent watchmakers up here work for one of the AD's and most of them don't take on external work (either too busy or prevented from by their contracts)


Find or choose? 

If they don't have some vintage pieces on display for sale, I'd be worried. Vintage is great because you can walk in and act mildly ignorant, disinterested, and cheap and be ready to walk if the estimate or anything else is not to your liking with minimal pressure. 

The problem with googling watch repair is that you'll get lots of hits for jewelers that can only change a battery or size a bracelet. If in doubt, call ahead. If they aren't right, ask them if they can recommend anyone. There are likely tiny old school places with minimal or no web presence.

It's sort of like an auto mechanic in that a good place will try to explain the work needed before you spend a dime, but places that just name a sum are suspect. I suppose there are instances where a good watchmaker is terse and uncommunicative or where a shoddy one is conversant and enthusiastic, but the odds are the other way around.


How far away from retford in North notts are you there's a little place in town called Spencer Phillips, he's a Swiss trained watch and clock repairer and brilliant,does a basic service for £60. I take my vintage peices to him and he does a brilliant job. He does all sorts of servicing and repairs, he's a bit slow on the turn around as he's a one man band and is always very busy(a good sign) Google him and drop him a line,he might accept postal jobs. I recommend him to you.


Thanks for the great recommendation @Stricko . I'll certainly add him to my list. It's about 45 mins from me so totally doable.