When is enough consumption enough ?

Watches , hobbies obsessions diversions heart balms success gauges sanity keepers in a chaos ridden world , orderly accurate time …. When does form outweigh function to your detriment ?
31 votes ·

Folks this is cloud thinking 💭 just for fun 🤩 


I'm not 100% sure I "get" the question, as it seems to be three or four separate questions, interesting questions though.

I think form should follow function, and acquiring things for the sake of the thrill of acquiring things is a sure way to never be satisfied.


I guess my obsession is curating the perfect collection within certain limitations or arbitrary rules. Because I set these limitations, I have multiple small collections. 

Not sure how that applies here, but it was my cloud thinking. 


Love the question. I'm an object designer, so form always rules supreme in my world. Form that asks an interesting question or causes you to see things differently. I don't think I've found that in my current collection of watches, but it is a good reminder of what to be compelled by. My ideal north star. I wish to be a non materialistic guy, but it's not in the cards.