Books on Timex Watches

Hi folks,

I'm looking for a book on Timex watches.  I own this one, and is a great historical book on the company up until 1998.  Does anyone know of any books that go beyond or any book on Timex period.  I currently own a several books on watches, but finding one on Timex is not easy.  This one I bought on ebay a while ago and was more than many of my watches.  : )


Nice!! i will try to find it as well. I really like Timex. I personally found it difficult to find many books on the non-swiss watch brands. There are a lot as well on the German ones and also on the Japanese but for the rest of the world not so many. Which I guess makes sense considering where most companies came from..


nice pick up! 


Unfortunately you have the main one there. You should also checkout


Unfortunately you have the main one there. You should also checkout

Thanks.  I do like that site.  Appreciate it.


I am not sure you can buy this book outside of Japan, but this covers history of Timex from 1854 to 2021, and contains lots of picture. The price is 980 yen(7.59USD). After reading this book, I bought Timex Ironman 8 Lap(used), Q Timex Pepsi, and Easy Reader 35mm.


Thanks I did see this on ebay for $49 U.S., plus $15 S&H.  I wasn't sure if it was worth it and/or if it was also in English.  I appreciate the heads up!