Hospital Watch Followup


Here’s the watch I ended up choosing for my soon to be hospitalized loved one in order to stop her from wearing her Rolex into the hospital (even though she can’t even see the dial on the tiny little thing). I asked for your input to choose something cheap, non-homage/clone/copy, and stereotypically feminine. I also wanted something she’d be able to see more easily. The expansion band is just a bonus for ease of donning and removal (she has difficulty with manual dexterity), and accommodating changes in wrist size.

Your input was much appreciated, as always, Crunchers!


Looks like a good choice to me. Good luck to your loved one.


That seems to be a good choice. My father had asked me to get him another watch while he was in the hospital. He could not see it either so I remember choosing something with large number like the one you are suggesting. He was happy with it. I hope her stay is not too long so that she can return home. ❤


Good choice. Wishing your Loved one a speedy recovery ❤️


Those are great watches and the two-tone really dresses it up. I hope her hospital stay is short and successful! 🙏