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1 year ago
Wiesbaden, Germany
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commented on Is The Electric Car Revolution The Equivalent To The Quartz Crisis? ·

I completely agree with Archie, and have said it many times on my show (please subscribe!) 

The analogy is apt. Frankly, government intervention can only accelerate adoption, it cannot create a need. If the people didn't want that Tesla, all the incentive in the world wouldn't make them but it.

EVs are everything to Quartz as ICE cars are to mechanical watches. EVs are more efficient, precise, accurate, and cost-effective than ICE cars. They will displace a significant amount of the car market, as quartz has to the watch market.

The quartz crisis began as a trade war between Japan and Switzerland, with Japan using new tech. It has now grown to encompass the migration to a Cloud-oriented IoT-enabled environment where a smart watch displaced both the mechanical and that quartz watch.

Cars are just going through it now.