Are the watch ads you get on other social media match or exceed your watch budget?

I just got the 3rd or 4th watch ad on YouTube(kinda surprised it took so long) . It was for JLC and realized that all of the ads i have gotten are for watchs astronomically out of my budget. Just wondering if anyone else gets ads for watches they can afford or way out of budget?

43 votes ·

I get ads on YT for CC holsters, Car Insurance, Mint Mobile, "Technician from leading manufacturer was fired for creating this" products, Audible by Amazon; but no watches.

The only other SM I use other than WC is Twitter, and I get no watch ads there either.


I have never seen a watch ad on social media.


Around 50/50...

Maybe why I really dislike the PRX, got sick of that advert!!


I don’t get watch ads on YouTube, which thinking about it, is odd. I do get a ton of watch ads on instagram.


I refuse to buy anything that shows up in a YT ad. On principle alone.


I successfully block most ads.


There’s other social media?? 😂😂🫣