Bio Hazard: Vintage Armitron Filth from Cleaning

Every watchmaker’s nightmare: decades of sweat, lotion, soap, grime, and whatever else all in and over an old watch 😷

GAG 🤮 🤢

Just got done breaking down this old Armitron. Cleaned, lubed, and reassembled. What’s incircled in red is nasty gunk from someone’s wrist and whatever else. And that’s only a portion of the nasty crap.

Ladies and gents, please clean your watches. And if you can’t do it properly, have your watchmaker do it for you.


I prefer to think of it as "seasoning" 😆

Seriously though, that's nasty...


After a particularly nasty, dirty, sandy day, I will usually completely rinse of a watch head and strap with tap water, or take it into the shower and rinse it real quick, if water is available.

Had a friend get a VERY bad case of strap rash/bite from either sand stuck in the strap, or bacteria.


After a particularly nasty, dirty, sandy day, I will usually completely rinse of a watch head and strap with tap water, or take it into the shower and rinse it real quick, if water is available.

Had a friend get a VERY bad case of strap rash/bite from either sand stuck in the strap, or bacteria.

I can’t go more than a few days without washing my watches with warm water, and occasionally I’ll use soft hand soap.


I've seen worse... way way worse.


Ugh, that's disgusting. That's why I take time to try and clean around the edges of my case and caseback, clean the bands and making sure to clean out any debris when changing batteries.