Milestone Rolex

My brothers’ GMT and my DateJust. This was my first Rolex I purchased. I bought the Rolex as a milestone for our 5th year running a real estate business, also happened to be my birthday.


What watch shares a milestone with you?


My Rolex BLNR was for my 30th 4 years back. I received my father’s 21st birthday watch a few years before, and was inspired to have a sorry of my own 😎


Most of my watches have milestones attached to them now.


My first and oldest luxury watch.  Married in it, bought my first house wearing in it, climbed Machu Picchu and wandered through Angkor Wat in it.


Birth of my first child.  Last international trip before COVID.


Celebrating that my business survived the pandemic.  Victory over a particularly petty adversary. Birth of my second child.


Helped bail out a friend's business.  Own business reached record levels despite loss of largest investor.