Scratch testing cases

Just a very quick post here. Any thoughts on the scratch test video from Ben?


#traska scored well, but I thought they would have scored even higher. #citizen was a big surprise.


Sinn scored higher than I thought


Was some surprising results but

1 not at cases were same finish, might have minor effects on test

2 scratches aren't the only issue for watches (but are major), there is overall strength, corrosion resistance, matieral lifespan and so on


I don't think he mentioned that ceramic, you know, breaks. I wish he'd subjected all to the entire range so I could see progressively worse gauges.


Very informative! Of course, he only measured hardness, not toughness.


Spaghetti Scameti rocks! It has been proven once again! 😂

P.S.: It makes sense that ceramic scored so high. It's also obvious that "bioceramic" seems to have little in common with ceramic.