The TRUE name of this hour hand

When I hear people talking about the Glycine Combat Sub, they usually refer to the hour hand as "pseudo-mercedes," just without the signature lines in the circle.

They're all WRONG.

I know and speak the TRUTH! It's called the "Dipping Bird!" 🤯


I would like Glycine to update the advertising and specs of this watch immediately 😁

I'll also except the "Duck Head" or "Swan Head." 🦆 🦢


And what historical documentation have you found this nomenclature information referenced?




I thought that was the Drinking (or Drinky) Bird. I would call it the Snowball hand myself.


I will no longer be able to look at this hour hand with out seeing the “Dipping Bird”. I am not sure if I should laugh or cry. 🙃


I thought that was the Drinking (or Drinky) Bird. I would call it the Snowball hand myself.

Ahhh, actually you may be right on the Drinky Bird.