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New Omega Seamaster Releases

Hey Folks - hope everyone is having a great start to the week. I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on the new Seamaster releases: which model has you...

Turquoise Monta Noble!

managed to snag myself one of the 100  limited edition turquoise Monta Nobles! Anyone else interested in them or lucky enough to get hold of one?

NWA! Seiko SLA043J1

Firstly a big thank you to everyone who commented on my previous post when I asked for dive Watches that met certain criteria.    a few people mention...

Recent Comments

commented on I've got an itch... ·

haha yeah, i was just going to throw it on an aftermarket bracelet! 

commented on I've got an itch... ·

yeah the blackbay does look like an interesting proposition and i did try it on, but it just didn't "feel" right for some reason. I've also tried on the blancpain but i feel like there's too much "dial real-estate" haha I was looking at the pelagos in blue and though it's not SS, it did speak to me more than the BB blue.

This is my current collection 

commented on I've got an itch... ·

great choice and something i had actually looked at - perhaps a little bit too thick. 

funily enough, i was also looking at the SLA043J1. that's definitely on the shortlist!


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