A jacket has enspired me to lose weight?!?

Yesterday I started “Project Pantera”. Basically I ordered a rare Polish wz 93 jacket. The camo pattern is nicknamed Pantera. I got an extra large and it’s just barely too small. I can button one or two, but feel like how the Penguin is drawn in Batman. I decided instead of getting a much bigger size, I need to make a change. So I ate one scoop of pasta instead of 2 heaping bowls and I went for a jog. Today is a small step, tomorrow will be 35 pounds lost and a jacket that fits.


You got this! Also I see we’re both Yeti collectors as well 👌🏾


Awesome project!!! We are on the same page, in watches and projects haha.

A little "life hacks" that works to me.

  1. Meal prep, try to do it simple. If your food is already made you dont need eat more...

  2. Heavy weight instead of walking/running. Are more effective to loose weight, and after a session you feel like terminator haha... and careful with running the knees are not prepare for run with overweight.

  3. Dig into the rabbit hole of fitness... flasks, clothes, EDC for Gym, etc... when is an entire hobby you feel motivated.

Hopefully in some week you can tell us good news about your project.


#lifegoalsFTW I for one think you made a good choice! 👌🏻


Good on your for getting on the Path. My biggest piece of advice, start with the basics! By basics I mean calisthenics. Once your mastered working out with just your bodyweight there are little excuses to not get a workout in




Small changes over time make a significant impact. There is a Japanese word that essentially means stop eating when you are 80% full. This, combined with lifting moderate weights and walking/very light jogging worked like a charm for me. All the best to you.


WWow, that is an extraordinary move. Well done to you for starting this! In this case, I want to help you in your endeavor and recommend it https://betterme.world/articles/how-to-slim-muscular-legs/. With these exercises, you will be able to reach your goal twice or even three times faster. Good luck.